17 Regular Foods That Are Slowly Killing You

06. Hot Dogs

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Hot dogs and similar smoked and salted meat contain lots of preservatives that are bad for your health. But the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine compared the effects of eating hot dogs to the effects of smoking cigarettes. If you’re not convinced yet, you should know that hot dogs are high in sodium and toxins that increase your risk of cancer. If you can’t resist, at least make sure you get your dogs chemical-free from organic butchers or directly from farmers.

05. Artificial Sweeteners

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These are no better options than sugar. In fact, they’re often worse. Artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, neotame, acesulfame potassium, etc. might contain fewer calories, but they can still increase the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome. You may not have noticed but many sugar-free gums contain aspartame, which is considered the most dangerous substance in the world. Sugar has healthy alternatives such as honey, maple syrup, and agave syrup, to name a few.