Poached chicken, halloumi and mint pasta This was my mum’s signature dish and …

Poached chicken halloumi and mint pasta This was my mums

Poached rooster, halloumi and mint pasta

This was my mum’s signature dish and now my households favorite go to.

It’s a winter dish that can fulfill all pasta lovers.

The mixture of wealthy natural rooster inventory, a great deal of lemon, a sprinkle of mint and topped with grated Halloumi is an explosion in your mouth 🤤

The best of dish that I hope will carry a smile in your dial as a lot because it does for my household.
Thanks for the eternal meals reminiscences mum, ❤️you 👼

Here’s what you will have

1 entire natural rooster washed effectively.
Juice of two lemons
2 litres of water
1 tbls of salt
2 cubes of rooster inventory

Poach rooster for 50 minutes, take away from inventory and shred.

Add your favorite barillaaus pasta and prepare dinner until al dente 👩‍🍳
Hold all the nice inventory and blend by way of the Rooster with 1 tbls of mint
End with grated
and somewhat little bit of lemon zest 🍋
The tip to this dish is to ensure you serve it with that superior inventory 🤤

Completely satisfied Saturday

helenskouzina 💝