4 Benefits Of Sleeping With a Garlic Clove Under Your Pillow

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Despite the typical smell, a clove of garlic under your pillow can actually work wonders for your health. If you keep garlic under your pillow below things will happen, and you’ll probably do it too!

04. Garlic Repels Mosquitoes & Other Bugs

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Garlic makes a powerful natural toxic insect repellent. The natural repellent nature of garlic makes it a perfect tool for keeping pests off plants. Garlic water is simple to make and easy to administer. It can be used on vegetables or on flowering plants. keeping garlic under your pillow will avoid mosquitoes and spider bites. mosquitoes attract carbon dioxide when we exhale so eating garlic doesn’t seem to be as effective if u want to repel insects.

03. Garlic Makes You Breathe Better

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Garlic is rich in allicin, When the garlic is crushed, it turns into allicin, an antibiotic that fights against fungal and bacterial infection. Garlic can also help clear blocked nasal passages if you are suffering from a cold easing nocturnal breathing and reducing snoring. If you suffer from respiratory problems such as asthma, a clove of raw garlic on your bedside may ease your condition. also you can crush 3-4 garlic cloves into boiling water and inhale the steam. you will breathe more easily than before.

02. Garlic Cures Insomnia

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Do you suffer from panic attacks or have trouble sleeping? Putting garlic under your pillow will definitely make you have better sleep. this remedy is been used since ancient times. The antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of garlic naturally promote relaxation, which aids in falling into a comfortable sleep. Insomnia can affect your daytime functioning and lead to constant fatigue and irritability, which can have a ripple effect on other health conditions. An easy way to cure this is to peel a garlic clove and slip it under your pillow right before you go to bed. Replace it with a fresh clove every night. Cloves of Garlic relax your muscles by producing a chemical called GABA. GABA is the body’s signal that it’s time to calm down, and it chills out your brain cells so that they can begin the restorative work that happens overnight.

01. Garlic An Anti-Bacteria

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Fresh, raw garlic has proven itself since ancient times as an effective killer of viruses and bacteria. it is an anti-bacterial agent that can actually inhibit the growth of infectious agents and at the same time protect the body from pathogens. Once again, we can thank allicin. because it is able to block two groups of enzymes that allow infectious microbes to survive in a host body. Cloves of Garlic can prevent infection inside or outside the body. so having garlic under your pillow at bedtime will make you sick less.